Amended Yr11 Mock Exam Timetable

Fri 14 Feb 2025
February 2025

Dear Parents /Carers,

Mock Examinations – Summer 2025

I am writing to give you notice that from Monday 3rd March until Friday 14th March, all Year 11 students will be sitting mock exams in their core & optional subjects. 

There have been some amendments to the timetable that was originally sent out, please see changes in Red.

Individual timetables will go out to students in form groups on Monday 24th February. Timetables show the specific exams each student will sit as well as the room and seat number of where the exam will take place. All students are required to sit in their allocated rooms and seats. When not taking part in exams, students will attend lessons as normal. All exam paperwork is in the student’s legal name, not their preferred name as this is the name which will be on the exam certificates.

I have also attached some very important documents that provide details of the JCQ rules & regulations. It is essential that your child starts to become familiar with these regulations as any infringement in the actual GCSE exams in summer may result in disqualification.

It is extremely important that your child attends all their mock examinations so that they understand what the actual exam season will be like and how important their conduct will be. The mocks help them know what to expect and help their subject teachers to assess, grade & give any relevant help needed to ensure that they have everything they could possibly need to get the best grades in their GCSE's.

Please can you sit down with your child and go over these documents and discuss the importance of being properly behaved and equipped for their examinations e.g., pens, pencils, rulers. If they are unsure what is required, they can ask their subject teacher who will advise them.

If you have any concerns or require any further information, please let me know

Yours Sincerely

Miss C McVeigh
Exams & Data Officer