Mock Exams & Mobile Phones

Wed 05 Mar 2025
March 2025

Dear Parents /Carers,

Examinations – March Mocks & GCSE 2025

I am writing to give you notice that a decision has been made in regard to mobile phones in examination rooms.

Students are not allowed access to their mobile phones during exams, phones are not allowed to be in their pockets and currently have to be placed in their school bags, switched off at the back of the exam room. 

Unfortunately, due to recurring instances of mobiles going off in students’ bags and students being found to still have their mobiles in pockets, Mrs Norman has made the decision that they should either be left at home or given to their form teachers during registration. They will be placed in named wallets and can then be collected at the end of the school day.

Mobile phones will be held in the form room or an office which is locked when not in use but these will be left at students' own risk. 

Being in possession of a mobile phone or a mobile going off during an exam is malpractice and would definitely lead to disqualification from an exam. This has happened before and caused a great deal of upset to the students involved and their families. As a school, we obviously want to take every measure to avoid this hence the decision that mobiles are not to be taken into exam rooms at all. 

If you have any concerns or require any further information, please let me know

Yours Faithfully

C McVeigh
Exams Officer