Remote Learning

Fri 22 Oct 2021
To support student learning, during periods of time where student attendance at school is not possible, Outwood Academy Hindley will be using Google Classroom and Google Meet to provide learning. Please note that to access this provision, students must be signed into their school Google account. Students will now be able to access Google Classroom of Google Meet (Live Lesson) if they are not signed into their school Google account. Also, when working from a phone or tablet, it is recommended that Google Slides, Docs and Sheets apps are downloaded. These are free and make accessing and editing work via Google Classroom much easier. 

Google Classroom is an online platform that allows students to access, complete and submit (where appropriate) work provided by their teachers. Teachers then have the opportunity to assess work and provide feedback through Google Classroom. Teachers and students can also communicate with each other via either private or class comments or announcements in the “stream”. For support with using Google Classroom, please see the guide below.

Google Meet is an online platform that allows face to face meetings to take place. This can be used as an effective teaching platform as teachers can present their screen to show key information to students. Crucially, students can enter into a dialogue with teachers either verbally or in written form via the “chat” facility. Teachers will often have a live element to their lessons which may be supported with new information, practice tasks and feedback through Google Classroom. Please use to access support with using Google Meet for Live Lessons.

For help and guidance with a variety of Google Classroom and Google Meet aspects, please use this link to some brief, instructional videos:

Please also see the "Netiquette" document below which identifies our student expectations when taking part in Google Meet (Live) lessons.
All learning at Outwood Academy Hindley is underpinned by the 5 Pillars of Learning. The 5 Pillars of Learning have been judged to be the most important aspects of lessons that should take place on a regular basis. Whilst this does not necessarily mean they will feature in every lesson, they will feature frequently. The below document identifies what the 5 Pillars of Learning might look like during online learning.