Dear Parents/ Carers,
This week, all Year 7 students have received a ‘My Year 7 Knowledge Book’ for the Spring term. The Knowledge Book has been designed to support students in their learning by giving them the essential knowledge they need for all their subjects in one place.
In lessons, teachers always share with the students what they are learning, how it will be learned and why it is important. We believe that knowledge is powerful when remembered as it enhances our students’ understanding and application of subject specific and transferable skills. To support students in transferring this knowledge from their short-term to their long-term memory, students have been provided with all the essential knowledge for each subject in the ‘My Knowledge Book’.
Students may be asked to use their Knowledge Books during their homework. Students are also encouraged to work independently to learn the subject content and demonstrate their investment in their own learning. Excellent homework and independent revision will be nominated for Proud Thursday, students will receive Learning Stars and their efforts will allow them to work towards being E1 students in their Praising Stars reports.
In addition, we also hope the Knowledge Books will allow you to support your children in their learning. You will be able to see what the children are learning about in each of their subjects this term and you can support you children by asking them about what they have learnt each day or quizzing them on key words they need to learn for homework.
You will soon be able to find a copy of the Knowledge Book on our new website.
Thank you for your ongoing support and if you have any questions regarding the use of the Knowledge Books, do get in touch.
Yours faithfully,
Miss C Cookson
Head of Science
Associate Assistant Principle