Year 7 Intake 2022

Mon 25 Apr 2022

Please see attached the 2022 Trutex booklet with new intake bundle uniform order links, events dates and time slots.

Boys online form -
Girls online form - 
The deadline for all new intake bundle orders is Sunday 22nd May 2022, please ensure that you have ordered your child's uniform by this date.
For collection, please can only 1 person come to school to collect the bundle.  Parents/carer & student can attend the exchange event if required.  If the parent/carer cannot attend either event we ask if they can send somebody in their place where required.
If you are collecting or exchanging for multiple students with different surnames, please pick one of the students' time slots that best suits and attend that time slot.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Academy should you have any problems accessing and ordering the uniform.