Results Day 2022

Thu 23 Jun 2022
June 2022

Year 11 GCSE Results Day: Thursday 25th August 2022

Dear pupil,

I am writing to inform you about the arrangements for the GCSE results day on Thursday 25th August.

The results will be available for collection from 09.30 till 11.30am.  

Please note 

All pupils need to click the below link and complete the Connexions form prior to being able to collect their results.  Completion of this form is mandatory for receipt of results. 

Pupils must then proceed to collect their results in a sealed envelope from staff who will be located at tables arranged in alphabetical order.

If you are unable to come in to collect your results you can ask someone to collect them on your behalf.  You should write a letter stating this and either send it into school before results day or it can be brought in on the day.  The person stated in the letter should bring along proof of identity, such as a Drivers Licence or Passport.  If you wish for your results to be posted or emailed, please let me know by letter or email in advance of results day

We very much look forward to celebrating the culmination of five years hard work with you.  We wish you every success for the future, as you embark on your chosen career path.

I look forward to seeing you on the day.

Yours sincerely

Miss C McVeigh
Examination & Assessment Officer