Letter to Parents Year 7 to 11

Sun 26 Feb 2023
Dear Parent/Carer,

We are very much looking forward to welcoming students back after the half term break and this is a very busy time for the academy with year 11 students entering the final few weeks before their GCSE examinations. You may have seen in the news or on social media, reports of pupil protests that have taken place locally and nationally often regarding issues around uniform and access to toilets in school time. I would therefore like to remind and reassure you about our policies regarding students having access to toilets and our uniform policy.

Students at Outwood Hindley have access to toilets before school, during form time, at break and during lunch time. Some students with medical conditions  are issued with toilet passes as they may need to access the toilet more regularly. Should you feel that this is necessary, please contact the academy. Additionally, students are occasionally permitted out of lessons with a note in their planner at the discretion of the teacher. Toilet blocks at Outwood Hindley are not locked during the school day.

Elsewhere, students have protested about changes to their school’s uniform policy. The policy at Outwood Hindley has not changed and is available on the website and in students’ planners. Our position is clear: a uniform takes away distractions and keeps the focus on learning as well as denoting belonging to our academy. Most workplaces will insist on a dress code of some kind and at Outwood Hindley we are committed to preparing students to be responsible working adults. Time spent addressing uniform issues is time that is not being spent learning and we rely on the support of families in keeping teaching and learning as our highest priority.

The affected schools have endured disruption to their smooth and safe running and students have had their education affected by unrest. The safety of students and staff is the number one priority of any headteacher and for the reasons outlined in this letter, I do not expect or wish to see any protests that could compromise the safety of staff and students. If any student did become involved in such protests, placing staff or student safety at risk or disrupting learning in the academy, this would be treated with the utmost seriousness resulting in a suspension for failing to follow reasonable requests and potentially endangering others. I therefore ask for your support and that you ensure your children are aware of this.

I am very proud of the students at Outwood Hindley; visitors unfailingly comment on how polite, respectful and welcoming they are. We have an active student voice programme and that is the way that they should seek to shape their educational experience and involve themselves in school policies and procedures.

Thank you in advance for your support.

J Norman