Year 11 Revision Festival - 30th March 2023

Fri 24 Mar 2023
March 2023

Dear parent/carer,

We would like to invite you and your child to our year 11 Revision Festival on Thursday 30th March. Doors will open at 4.15pm where you will be able to receive your child’s mock exam results and we will be serving food and refreshments from this time. 

There will be two presentations from the Principal and other key members of staff: one at 5pm, and then again at 5.45pm. After the first presentation, our revision stalls will open from all subject areas, revision techniques, wellbeing, enrichment and after-school revision, Easter school, careers and our local colleges. 

We look forward to welcoming you to our academy, working together to maximise your child’s potential this summer.

Kind regards

Mr M Coleman
Vice Principal

If you can attend, please can you fill out this Google Form by clicking on this hyperlink if you are reading this online, or by typing the address into your internet browser:

If this link doesn’t work, please return this reply slip to your form tutor.
Name of pupil ____________________________________
How many people will be accompanying your child? (For numbers, we ask this be kept to two people).   Let us know if you require more invitations for this evening. _____________