EXAMS Letter to Year 11 & 10 Parents

Thu 12 May 2022
May 2022

Dear Parent                     
Exam Arrangements 2022
The Summer exams 2022 are due to begin on Friday 13th May 2022.  All students recently received a personal examination timetable detailing the dates and times when they will be sitting their exams. 
Please note the following arrangements that have been shared with students in school. 

Exam start times
Morning  exams will commence at 9am
Afternoon  exams will commence at 1pm
On completion of the exam, students will return to normal timetable lessons. 

The start time of the afternoon exam follows JCQ guidance and is non-negotiable.  Therefore, in some instances the afternoon exams may finish beyond the normal school day timings.  I understand that some students have commitments and responsibilities after school and I would request that alternative arrangements are made where necessary during the exam period.

JCQ Guidelines
JCQ guidelines state the following items should not be taken into the exam room: mobile phone, smart watch, wrist watch and electronic devices and I would stress  that these are left at home.  Where students do need to bring such items into school they should ensure these are switched off and placed into school bags.  Amy mobile phone or device seen or heard within the exam room will be reported  to the exam board who will take the necessary action; please note this can result in a student being disqualified and this can affect all exam papers as a consequence. Water bottles may be taken into the exam room, however labels should be removed.

Teaching staff will be providing additional revision sessions prior to the exam day and a breakfast session will also be available on the day of the exam, further information to follow. As normal, they should attend registration at 8.25am, they will then be directed to the exam room by their form tutor.  
Students should ensure they have the appropriate equipment prior to the exam including pen, pencil, ruler, protractor, pair of compasses and a calculator.  

Thank you for your support.

Yours sincerely

Mrs C Davies
Assistant Principal