Platinum Jubilee 2022

Fri 13 May 2022
March 2022
Dear Parent / Carer
 We would like to inform you of our fantastic Platinum Jubilee plans on Friday May 27th. 
During the morning. we will be holding a British Themed Bake-Off competition (sweet or savoury) entries are to be placed in the diner by 08:25am.  These will be judged by our panel of experts and Mr Taylor!
At lunch all students can receive a FREE afternoon tea to celebrate with a Great British sing-along. Additional party food is welcome, if your child has any requirements then ask them to inform their tutor.
Afternoon lessons will have links to the theme of the Queen, serving others and British Values. Our Prime Minister will then plant a cherry tree to mark the occasion with a plaque made by ex-British service personnel.
We hope it is a day to remember. 
Best wishes 
H Tomlinson.
Associate Assistant Principal